Commercial Services and Ecosystems

Commercial Services and Ecosystems

17 11 2024 09:32

کد خبر : 26365817

تعداد بازدید : 11

Department Head: Dr. Mohammad Mehdi LatifiPermanent members; Dr. Shokrallah Khajovi, Dr. Dariush Tahmasabi, Dr. Saeed Eslami Bidgoli, Dr. Elham Razqandi

Department goals

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Draw and manage business! The "Commercial Services and Ecosystems" department is designed with this intellectual philosophy to facilitate students'

competitive skills and abilities and their more effective roles in the market and society by relying on up-to-date, professional, and practical knowledge. Based on this, the main goal of the "Commercial Services and Ecosystem" department is to empower students, senior and middle managers, presidents, and vice presidents of various businesses in the country in various commercial fields. Another goal of this group is to provide educational, research, and professional consulting services to students and beneficiaries of this field in order to empower them to identify and track current and potential trends and events that represent opportunities and threats as well as strengths and weaknesses for the continued success of an organization in the business ecosystem. The purpose of this group is to use the knowledge and experience of renowned professors to strengthen students' skills in various fields of business and prepare them to take better advantage of opportunities and manage emerging challenges in this field.

Businesses are dynamic, making the continuous empowerment of students to analyze the ever-changing environment in the business ecosystem a crucial requirement for success and the transformation of students into human capital. Because the gap between academic learning and the operational needs of the business environment has always been one of the issues facing the country's education system, another goal of the "Commercial Services and Ecosystem" department is to integrate and approximate the relationship between universities and industry through cooperation and partnership with specialized organizations in the business field, such as chambers of commerce, economic organizations, banks, insurance organizations, tax administration, importers, exporters, customs organizations, etc. Based on this, in the formation of this department, educational materials have been designed with the cooperation and participation of activists and executives from various service areas and business ecosystem, and theoretical and abstract materials along with operational and practical concepts have been presented.

The main goals of this group can be presented as follows:

Basically, business systems are based on people that means that capable human capitals play a very vital role from the design and development of products to their immediate delivery to customers. Therefore, investing in strengthening human resources and enhancing their knowledge and skills in various areas of the business ecosystem can lead to the development of competitive capabilities for organizations operating in different business lines. The mission of the "Commercial Services and Ecosystem" department is focused on providing concepts that prepare students for a better and more effective entry into the business environment and, at the same time, provide levels of analytical thinking and scientific and operational reference ability in various fields of commerce at educational levels.

The main mission of the service and business ecosystem group is as follows:*Management and implementation of bachelors of business management and master of business administration with specialization in internal business*Providing professional training to empower students and strengthen their intellectual, speaking, operational, and communication skills in order to identify different fields of knowledge "services and business ecosystem" and develop an operational strategy to work in it.* Consolidation and presentation of theoretical concepts for framing and intellectual organization of students, and implementation concepts and scientific tools in order to prepare them to enter the market*Effective networking with organizations and activists in various fields of "services and business ecosystem" for more and better communication between industry and university and providing high-quality job opportunities for students and graduates.*Creation and development of research and innovation centers in various fields of "business services and ecosystem" in order to transfer the world's knowledge to the country and use it in the market.